Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Coldfoot to Deadhorse

Coldfoot Camp Cafe

The team headed out earlier today but only made it about 5 miles when they encountered a muddy section of road. I will remind you that the Dalton Hwy is not a paved road, but a high speed gravel road.
Rich in the lead, the two approached the muddy area of road. Once Rich got into the muddy section he lost traction and stability in the rear for a brief moment, it quickly gained traction and tossed the bike and rider over and into the ditch, Kurt nearly had the same fate but made it thru.
Rich sustained minor injuries amounting to bumps and bruises. His bike sustained minor damage as well, damage to the windscreen, mirrors, and blinkers...nothing some duct tape, JB Weld, bailing wire, and super glue cant fix.

They rode back to Coldfoot Camp to re-group and wait another night to allow the roads to dry up some more, and do some repairs before leaving out again in the morning.

Stay tuned for updates

Here are some pictures of what they were dealing with. Nothing but mud.