Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Road Home...Louisiana

At 8:28 pm EDT Kurt and Rich left Texas behind and crossed into Louisiana.

740 miles and just over 12 hours behind them now, the intrepid riders have about 850 miles left before arriving back here in Orlando, FL.

Update 9:30 pm EDT:
After ripping up 800 miles of Interstate 10, its finally time to get some sleep. What better place than a Comfort Inn located in Jennings, LA.
With only 780 miles between them and home, we anticipate their arrival sometime Wednesday evening. It appears the weather will hold out for their final leg, with average temperatures across the entire route in the mid 80's.

Editors Note:
For those of you who may have missed some of the earlier comments, a wager between Mrs. Kuechenmeister and myself regarding when they would actually make it back...I would like to take this opportunity to concede.

1 comment:

K.K. said...

After all your great work, we should be taking you to dinner as a minimum!! As for the bet, well I just happen to know my husband very well, once the finish line is in sight it is hard to slow him down. Thanks for doing this, it made things a whole lot easier for my peace if mind, it's in pieces now but not too worry, I should have plenty of time to get it together before the next crazy adventure.