Saturday, May 17, 2008

Heading Back South...

Friday 16 May 2008

2:00pm EDT
the team saddled back up and began the trek back south toward Coldfoot Camp.
The road south from Deadhorse to Coldfoot Camp has dried out considerably, with only patches of mud and wet.
I suspect that they will stop only briefly in Coldfoot Camp to eat before heading back to Fairbanks.

Update: 8:45pm EDT
After what appears to have been a grueling ride from Deadhorse to Coldfoot Camp, they arrived to refuel and refresh themselves.

Update: 10:30pm EDT
As I thought they have had their fill of Coldfoot Camp and are on the move to Fairbanks again. The 300 mile ride, will put them back in Fairbanks where they will get the bikes serviced and also get them ahead of the storms that are pressing in from the north.

Update: 0400am EDT Saturday 17 May 2008
After a grueling 6 hour ride down the Dalton Hwy from Coldfood Camp, the riders have arrived safely in Fairbanks, ready for some much needed rest. (Satellite imagery indicates they are at the Fairbanks Super 8 Motel)


K.K. said...

I can confirm a safe arrival in Fairbanks! Nice 4:20am phone call! Gee I love my job!!

Logistics said...

Its a dirty job but someone has to do it. Think of it as penance for something done in a previous life, yeah...